Photograph by Kinley Watada
Photos by Sarah Hoyt and Brooklynn Higgins By Colt Antle
On April 29 Pueblo County High School will be holding a blood drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the school’s Auxiliary Gym. Thanks to the partnership with Vitalant and the JROTC department. Once students have gotten permission from their parents or guardians and filled out the required form,they will be able to participate. Although some students may be deterred at the mere mention of needles, others find it a worthy cause and are more than willing to donate. One such student is Douglas Carlstrom, “It’s for a good cause and you get to get out of class for an hour.” While that last option may have enticed a few more people, the goals of this blood drive are not to be overlooked. Students may end up helping someone in need who just so happens to have the same blood type as them. Anybody that has been seriously injured, battling cancer, and those dealing with sickle cell disease need a constant and steady flow of blood no matter the age. There are plenty of other blood related issues or just blood loss in general that these donations can help accommodate for. It’s thanks to these blood drives as well as kind individuals who run and participate in them that those in need can get the help they need and continue to live the healthiest lives possible. Comments are closed.